green arrow thats twirling left back to da main 3d text that says da webbed site that is doing the wave.


I love coming on here and talking about things that im too embarassed to put on tumblr just like i was just thinking about whenever i think about sengoku basara i remember a fic that i was reading on and it was the fucking plot to mulan and i didn't know because i never watched mulan at that time. i tried to see if it was still up but its noooot


im not a animator and i don't really want to be one but 7th stand user wants me too. GRRR RAAAA RAAAAAAA. JK i don't really make full on animations just like animatics with a little animation lol. I LOVE 7TH STAND USER AND I LOVE THE FAT MC SHE IS MY BABY I LOVE HER SO I MUST BE CRAZY SOMETIMES AND DRAW HER ANIMATICS CAUSE WHO ELSE WILL!!!??? srs jojo is my main special interest but 7th stand user is a sub catagory that im even more obsessed with.

i get so excited when i see art for it (rare) but i get so sad and dissapointed that no one draws the fat MC!! it really does so it's up to me!! but that also sucks cause i've fell off doing art as of late! but im trying to bounce back into it tho so now im working on a very short animatic for 7th stand user again. i did one back in 2021 and i will make another in the future.

ALSO I DID MAKE A FAKE ANIME OPENING FOR MY OC UNIVERSE WEEKS AGO it was like a quick thing that took like 4 days i think. it's not professional or well done or anything just something i wanted to get out and im so happy about it. here it is


Thinking about my final fantasy oc Pepper lol. Whatttt iff i made her Barret's niece or sumn i know it's cliche but haha its fun yay. but also this makes me think i should make character pages for my ocs. im not actually too sure about it cause i have so many original characters but only a few of them are fan characters. I'm more inclined to just make one for my fan charas since there aren't that many.


Feeling very tired for no reason like i think i got the same amount of sleep i always do. But I don't want to nap so i'm drinking coffee lol. I finally get the resolve to work on my own lil project instead of getting majorly distracted like i always do? I'm nawt gonna nap rn.


trying very hard to develop my game lol I think that I know how I want it to flow lol and secluding the maps to specific areas instead of a full map trying to convey a full city certainly helped. I can just focus on the important areas instead of just trying to fill it with useless stuff in an atempt to make it feel like a city but i can do that with less too.

i'm getting into actually writing the story and not overwhelming myself with creating a huge city especially with the little experience I have with game making and writing. I will be making another game that is set in a modern kind of city again tho! I'm a little sad still that I feel like i'm not progressing on it as much as i want to because this is supposed to be a short project to help me get into the groove of being a rpg game maker.

aside from game making, I'm worried about where to host pictures cause i also want to post art here but i know the neocity devs don't want a bunch of images hosted on their site. I'm trying to limit the amount of pics that are stored on the site cause:

i just want my own pocket space to post my stuff to connect to here and it's difficult to do 😫.


woke up at like 5 am and couldn't fall back to sleep for a while with all the things that worry me flooding to my mind. But that's ok because I have my penguin and kitty cat stuffed animals.


In trying to seek a more sufficent way to blog, I forgot what I wanted to write in the first place lol